I've princess attitude, don't come near me...
I do what i like, don't cha dare lecture me...
I can give you hell, if you wanna play...
You're currently @http://inimitable-x.blogspot.com (♥)
♥ Date: Friday, April 03, 2009
SIAN ! Really so f.ing sian.. 6am+ wake up.. Don`t f.ing know why.. F F F!!!!!!!!!!
Baby tio confine can`t book out.. SIANNNNNNNNN ! 7am+ sms baby..
He 10am+ then reply.. LOL! Then now he sleeping ler.. Whole day no sleep.. Hmm..
Hais.. Just drink finish milk.. LOL! Now doing nothing lerrrr! BORED BORED! T-T
How i wish, it`s just a surprise you give me && will pop out outside my house later!
I really miss you alot alot.. I don`t know what`s that feeling.. I don`t know why i misses you so much.. And i don`t know why my tears drip down.. baby sms-ed me at 5pm+..
Really tio confine till maybe 18th or 19th or next fri): Hope will be next fri..
I just bathe finish.. Then boring so took some photos :X HAHAS ! Will upload at another post =\
After uploading photos don`t know do what then sleep ler(: Nothing much today :D
Takecare XP
- Rineee ; JackJack`s baby

Labels: //- Baby ; Iloveyou; Just you.... ♥
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