I've princess attitude, don't come near me...
I do what i like, don't cha dare lecture me...
I can give you hell, if you wanna play...
You're currently @http://inimitable-x.blogspot.com (♥)
♥ Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I no longer working at PH ~~(:
Woke up at 9am+, don`t know so early wake up for what -.- zzz
Then can`t sleep back. Lie down at bed till 12pm+.
Hahahas ! Finding others job the workmanship more good der.
Ahhh ! I`m so boring, Predip say his friend invite me go his gf chalet. But all i don`t know der):
So don`t think i going. Hahas ! Waiting to go out laterrrrrrrrr ! Time pass faster ^^
Takecare XP
- Rineee
Labels: ♥ Be myself /-
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