I've princess attitude, don't come near me...
I do what i like, don't cha dare lecture me...
I can give you hell, if you wanna play...
You're currently @http://inimitable-x.blogspot.com (♥)
♥ Date: Friday, August 28, 2009

o0ps , this few days never go home . Don`t know what to blog ler -.- LOL !
Hmm , yesterday went to crystal pub . Cold till i die eh -.- I all th way cold yesterday sia ~.~
Stupid matt matt drunk =\ So heavy =.= LOL ! But i strong okay ;D Cos i can from your house below bring you up , LOL !
After that cab back ang mo kio . Sleepppp ~ Wah , tired till like shit -.- LOL !
I remember i got talk on phone , but i can`t remember what is th convesation liao -.-
Omg , I still abit tired sia -.-
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