I've princess attitude, don't come near me...
I do what i like, don't cha dare lecture me...
I can give you hell, if you wanna play...
You're currently @http://inimitable-x.blogspot.com (♥)
♥ Date: Monday, March 15, 2010

Random baby , call me wear his smart4 and take photo -.-
9thMarch -
Went downstairs meet darling's friend . End up they say go kbox cos cheap cheap , so went home and make up , cab to cine .
Sing sing sing , i broke a glass cup T-T ! My careless :x hahahas ! Went to eat mac breakfast , homeeeee (:
10thMarch -
Meet friend , slack slack awhile . homeeeeeeee (:
11thMarch&12thMarch -
Never go out (: so guai i know :D
13thMarch -
Went house downstairs eat botak jones , cab to bishan ITE . Go apply for night class (: thursday gonna study ler (:
After that mrt to yishun , go baby's first , then went to find his friend ................. Homeeeee .
Irene ask me go clarke quay find her because something happen to her -.- mad :x
I ask my friend go fetch her come find me instead , hahahas !
Go don't know where buy porridge cos irene say she's hungry , then to friend's house play pool and watch tv (: Hahas ! Homeeeeee (:
14thMarch -
Sleep whole day :x
15thMarch -
Baby first day of work today ! (: JIAYOU ! x3
I gonna reborn my hair again soon ! LOL !
Labels: - 我只想过简单的生活 ♥
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