I've princess attitude, don't come near me...
I do what i like, don't cha dare lecture me...
I can give you hell, if you wanna play...
You're currently @http://inimitable-x.blogspot.com (♥)
♥ Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009
10thDec -
- Meet eric , go northpoint buy famous amos with bear :x
- Buy ler , after that wanna go blk 250 wait for baobei . Then half way eric's bike chain stuck in gear box -.-
- Tow away ! hahahs !
- Cab to blk 250 , wait for baobei . Slack awhile .
- Eric's dad come fetch us home (:
- Meet zhiwei , go east coast .
- No where to go , so drive around aimlessly -.- Lols .
- Homeeeeeeee (:
11thDec -
- Meet louis , go louis's camp , don't know what family day :\
- Louis's house .
- 11pm+ go kent ridge park .
- Serious him making the candles :x LOL
- I so bored so take photo of myself , i close my eyes because camera flash too bright . LOL
- Completed eh :D
- Then i also learn him use candle and talk :D Hahahs !
- He bought for me , after kent rigde park , took this photo at his car .
- Go cine watch movie , The storm warriors . Hmm , not so nice -.-
- After movie , go play pool . Hahas , fun :\
- Cine lift =.=
- Go louis's house take things , then go homeeeeeee (:
12thDec -
Go louis's house .
Louis's draw it :x

Nothing to do so take some photos :x

Before going HK cafe .

- Go HK cafe , then go yishun dam (: Saw steve ^^
The balloon that i tie at his car :\
- Drive awhile balloon fly liao :x LOL
- Chong boon mac , eat . Homeeeeeee (:
13thDec -
- The perfume he bought for me :x
- The receipt :x
Make things clear before inculpating me .
Anw , anmearee , stop it . Don't try me(:
Labels: - So sick of love ♥
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