I've princess attitude, don't come near me...
I do what i like, don't cha dare lecture me...
I can give you hell, if you wanna play...
You're currently @http://inimitable-x.blogspot.com (♥)
22thMarch - Louis come find me , went to blk 643 find cavan and deep they all chat and slack :D Homeee after that (: 23thMarch - Louis come find me , i haven't eat so went chong boon and eat mcdonald :D After that around 1.30am went blk 331 to collect my stuff ..... Went yishun dam awhile . Homeeee (: 24thMarch - Early in the morning dad called me and tell me grandpa dead . Ask me go down his song ka , still must fucking stay there ! WHATTHEFUCK ! Nvm , call my bro to talk with him :x Around evening MRT to yishun ..... Baby wanted to collect his POSB card -.- Told me the person call him go yishun blk 920 .... Then later we reach only saw 926 got POSB . I use my HP search for 920. But don't have that blk -.- End up is 290 ...... LOL . Went to baby's house find my ITE paper , can't find until it :@:@ ! Then nvm , i'm craving for tako balls out of sudden :x so went northpoint and buy :DDD Then back to baby's house again , looking at baby baby's photo :x hahahas ! Talk with his sis , and together disturb baby ;x He was like so gong gong ! :x hahahas ! 25thMarch - Now is 4.11pm and i'm still tired ): My dad woke me up at around 2pm+ Telling me not to go sch today , cos want me attend my ahgong's funeral . I say okokokokokok -.- Go back to sleep . End up few mins later he call again . Father : what time after sch Me : 10pm... Father : you go sch first loh , after sch then i come fetch you and brother . Me : okokokokok ! Father : after sch what time will reach home ? I'm thinking ..... Then he shouted at me Father : i'm driving i not free to talk on phone with you okay ! I shout back . Me : wait lah , i must think right !? Father : you talk so loud for what ? Me : is you shout at me first leh ..... Then he quiet Me : reach home around 10pm+ So unreasonable . What a father are you ? You didn't even give us money for like so many fucking years , now got problem then come find us . Didn't even like find time to meet us , but you can meet YOUR GF like ANYDAY ANYTIME . Still want to raise your voice at us ? Take $10 from you also hard , new year still need beg you for money . Ang bao money give us like lesser and lesser . USELESSSSSSS . You can't even takecare of us still want to snatch us with mum when you all divorce . You can't even take care of us still born us out when you and mum are not even in love ! You torture me like your fucking toy when i'm staying with you. You said i'm so skinny cos my mum never feed me , what about you ?! YOU ARE JUST LIKE HYPOCRITE ! You should hell thanks to her that i'm not DEAD yet .
Rebond and cut hair ): But this picture can't see any different lah :D Cos too dark :x
Baby draw der :x His drawing suckkkkkkk ! LOL ! x3 x3 x3
15thMarch - Baobei come find me at night went downstairs for supper :D ! Eat finish then go home ler (: 16thMarch - Baobei come find me with amin , they quarreled about some unimpt things so no need elaborate luh :D After that everything back to normal ler -.- Went to the malay/indian store eat .... Keep laughing non-stop -.- I forget laugh about what liao. LOL ! Sit under my blk , slack , talk ... Amin repairing his car's meter . Homeeeeee (: 17thMarch - Go baby's house eat his father cooking :x not bad not bad :D On the way to 'don't know where' saw jiawen and baby's friend. Then sit down and talk talk -.- After that they go powerhouse i think ... Me and baby took last train home . And thennnnnnnnnnnn , saw this 3 girls at mrt , 1 girl look at me with like 'don't know how to explain' eyes . zzz ! After that walk till outside mrt that bus-stop , i heard them say 'My bus haven't reach' but baby say he heard them say 'look alike leh, look alike leh' .... And because i walk home with baby , they 3 accompany me walk until next bus-stop -.- LOL !? And they sit down at bus-stop , end up they shouted 'carine!' i turn back , walk towards them and ask what ? who you ? o.o 1 girl say very fast , i heard as 'ai bum' , and then my msn contact got a name called 'aidan' i thought is her . End up is iDUMBx -.- LOL ! After that walk home ler ^^ 18thMarch - 2pm+ prepare okay , but raining , so must wait the rain to stop ): Wait until 5pm+ !!! zzz ..... Went to bishan renew my plan and bought a 16GB iphone ... Newest version cannot JB ): And then went home , and call my bro help me to download this and that :x I'm late for schoollllllll ! LOL , went to sch until 10pm . Go slack ! Homeeeeeee ~ 19thMarch - Never go out ~ :D 20thMarch - Went to cut and reborn hair ! T-T Cut until short short !!! ): After that baobei and amin come find me , talk and slack .... Homeeeee (: 21stMarch - Never go outttt ! :D
Eww ~ fuck ): i sold my 6210navi and omnia1 ...... so those photo that i took recently gone ler ): Nothing to post leh .... but people keep call me update update update ~ LOL ! :x Never go out this few days ... at home doing nothing .. Hahahs ~ Okay ..... so i'm not posting about past few days , cos i've forgotten :x heh heh ~ Hmm , just back home , went down find bro and ruyee !!!!!! So so long never saw her ler .... hahahs ! Later meeting kate'baobei maybe (: My laziness is coming real soon ~ I need to go out and exercise ... LOL ! :x
Renewing my plans and changing to iphone on 18march ~ :DDD ! Maybe will change my number also (:
Lick it , suck it & fuck it ~
Type it out of boredom :x LOL ! Ignore my insane :D
Omg , i feel so childish playing with you .... Convesation between me and her before someone tell me her blog ....
Carine - Hey . Anmearee - yes? Carine - You add me for ? Anmearee - i just want tell you i never rips your photo le Anmearee - i alr mend my ways le Carine - Really ? Anmearee - yahhs Carine - Then why still private your blog ? Carine - Invite me in then Anmearee - i never play blog le Anmearee - sumpah Carine - Yur the akiko-luvvs ? Anmearee - my blog kena hack le Carine - You everytime say the same -.- Anmearee - realli Carine - Then you know who hack it ? Carine - So easy hack my whole account already get hack Anmearee - don't know Carine - Then now what ? Carine - Where you hang already ? Carine - AMK FHS huh ? Anmearee - no Carine - Then why still "po" you FHS want ? Anmearee - i never po lea Carine - Why that time at phone so guai lan with that guy ? Carine - You call him not happy come amk talk ? Anmearee - i just fcuk care him lea Anmearee - do i need t care about him? Anmearee - no lohhs Carine - Lol ... what happen between you and him ? Carine - Can put your own photo ? Carine - I want see your gold hair Anmearee - can see? Carine - Okay (: Carine - Good that you think thru then ....
Anmearee ah , how many times i caught you already huh ? World so many people why must rip my photo ? So many girls more pretty and cute then me , why me ? Cos my name POP ? Amk fhs..... LOL ! Wtfishhh ~ Use your own photo if you want to be pop luh ... Ugly , you very ugly meh ? Dye your hair all that , still got people call me say you become chio .... I'm so anticipate to see your fucking face once again .. Hahahahahs ! Since someone say you chio , why not use your own photo to make friends ? Oh , you want be ah lian , i teach you . Go put tattoo , make up thick thick .... wear those shirt that show cleavage der . smoke . Go out talk with (fuck you , cheebye all this vulgarities ..) Mostly ah lian is like that der . don't you think so ? Please use your brain lah , what's the use of bring a ah lian ? Can feed you meh ? Be a good girl , study hard , take cert , go out work , married , have your own family ... don't you find it better ? Now what century already ? People all working hard now , detest ah lians already luh ... -.- When you tio tai ji with people , only talk on msn ? Not sian meh ? come out talk more enthalling mah ... Hiding behind comp , want be what ah lian -.- ? tsk ..... nothing to say liao :D Boring entertaining you ...
Tadaaaaaaaa ~ I'm so bored at home :x waiting for darling to book out ~
Darling book out come find me , downstairs da bao things eat ... homeeeee (:
27thFeb -
Prepare okay ler ~ still have time so took some photo to kill time .... hahahs !
Cab to semb home team NS's chalet , cos darling's sis early celebrate her birthday (:
Went there awhile , then mrt to yishun , darling want go home change ... I hungry , so da bao go darling's house eat :x
Walk to blk 127 find crystal , see her baby ! Cute :D
Slack awhile , walk go chambers find darling's friend while waiting for baobei and amin come . Exercise man ..... LOL .
After that went blk 600+ find amin's friend . At there talk talk till 1am . His friend said i look like japan animation -.- LOL !
Go oasis ~ waited for jesline and her friends to come , but end up went 72 ...
Inside damn bored :D after that ji fan going sabai , just right beside me . So meet him outside and chat . super long never chat with him like that ler ! Hoho ~
After that , 5-6am + wait for cab , homeeeeeee (:
28thFeb -
At home sleeping .... LOL .
1stMarch -
Prepare okay liao , still got time so take photo :x LOL .
Mrt to semb meet darling's friend , taxi-stand wait for baobei , then cab to semb area there the pub ... Drink ~
There got a waitress very funny :x I said i'm hungry but no kopitiam open ):
End up she took 5 otah give me ! LOL ! Damn cute ..... Did have fun , but it's short while :x
Exhausted .
Sometime love are really too tired for me to handle it.....