I've princess attitude, don't come near me...
I do what i like, don't cha dare lecture me...
I can give you hell, if you wanna play...
You're currently @http://inimitable-x.blogspot.com (♥)
♥ Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010

Now listen to me baby
Before i love and leave you
They call me heart breaker
I don't wanna decieve you
If you fall for me
I'm not easy to please
I'mma tear you apart
Told you from the start, baby from the start.
Theres not point trying to hide it
No point trying to erase me
I know i got a problem
By doing this behavour
And i know karma's gonna get me back for being so cold
Like a big bad wolf, I'm born to be bad and bad to be bone
I'm only gonna break break ya break break ya heart.

SORRY ALL FOR NOT BLOGGING ~ Kinda complicated life......
hahahas! More active in FB (:
inimitable-@live.comLMAO! :x
If you are the unfriendly one, how you want me to interact with you? LOL!
Don't be a joke man, look around, you ain't what you think you are :D
This world no one is perfect... But there is someone right for you, and that's the perfect one just for you...
Treat me good, i will treat you good too...
Treat me bad, i will treat you worst.
Thanks to lovegurupigbeardeep to be there whenever i'm down x3 You are just someone that i can't describe in my life :D
Hope you cheer up tooooooo ! You emo i will also emo with you.. LOL! As we are always thinking the same! Aww :x
Anw, went to KL on the 28th-31st may. Yeah, it's was half fun only :D
I like genting! Wanted to go again when there's still a chance too! :p
I hope you think hardly and ask yourself what you want...
I can't probably trust you in a short period of time.....
Action speaks louder than words...
I LOVE MOM, LOVE KATE... Love everybody that are there for me when i'm down x3
But then, LOUIS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! :x hahahahs! Just j/k. hahahs! Cheer up too(:
Promises are still hanging on the air... I'm not like you promise breaker :D hahahas!
I'm a bitch, scold me whatever you can :D
Labels: - Star gazing had been an avocation ♥
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